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Beyond Cranky Club

It's hard being a parent. No one wants to deal with all those behaviors.

Some of us have children with unexpected or extreme behaviors and that can feel very lonely.

We feel judged and we judge ourselves.

irritated child at breakfast table

A grumpy kid at the breakfast table? Yeah, it happens. But for some of us, breakfast might mean cereal all over the table or floor, not because it was spilled, but because it was thrown. Life with a child with verbal or physical aggression can be extra challenging. And extra lonely. People don't talk about it. It doesn't quite make it to "facebook perfect family photos," does it? And all that can feel very isolating. Relationships can be rocky. Families can be torn apart. Chaos can feel like the winner. 


The Beyond Cranky Club was created for you! So you feel like you have support when the world is spinning because our kids get easily dysregulated and no one gets it or gets us...except that's not true. There's a community for you to find information, support, and solutions, so that Chaos gets the boot. And you can breathe and feel empowered. 

How it Works

First of all, this is completely FREE. 


We meet on zoom.


It will be a time of breathing, learning, supporting, and getting back on track so we can all calm the chaos.


You will leave with action steps of how to better support your child who is communicating with strong behavior responses.



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